I Tried Crystal Light Bed Therapy & Here’s What Happened

If you’re on this page, you probably know by now that I am obsessed with all things chakras. If you are not aware of what chakras are, let’s get a quick breakdown. They are the 7 main energy centers in our body, AKA wheel in Sanskrit. These centers are constantly moving in different directions and moving energy throughout our body. When they are out of alignment or blocked, we can experience different emotional and physical issues. Each chakra is associated with different energy and if one is off, you can expect others to be off as well. The goal isn’t to always be perfectly aligned, but it’s about observing when one or several are off and coming back to yourself to harmonize and balance them. Reiki and chakras go hand in hand as this energy healing modality is used to help unblock our chakras and create more flow of energy throughout our bodies. You can learn more about my experience with chakras in my spiritual journey.

This post was originally published in 2017 when spiritual spaces were just becoming more common in NYC. I recently went back for a session a few weeks ago to Modrn Sanctuary to get a Sensory 7 Crystal Bed treatment. This helps balance and clear the Chakra system to create more harmony in your body.


Located in Nomad, this “luxury wellness center” is an oasis of different healing modalities. Ranging from lymphatic drainage, halotherapy, LED light therapy, Infrared Saunas, and more. As soon as you walk in you feel a sense of calm rush over you. I was greeted with a calming aroma in the air and peppermint tea while I waited. I actually booked this session through Classpass for 21 credits and chose the 30-minute session.


The session includes chromotherapy, vibrational therapy, binaural beats, and infrared/bio-mat. You lie on a Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed which “utilizes vibrational tools of light, color, crystals, aromatherapy, and sound to pump energy into the cells of the body. As the color relating to each chakra is transmitted through the crystal, the chakra is cleansed, energized, and brought into balance with all of the other chakras.” English translation: Your energies will be aligned AF. The treatment also restores your body’s biofield aka your aura.

While it helps balance all of your chakras with their crystal quartz light, you choose one specific area of focus for the treatment. When I first went in 2017, I focused on my root chakra, which grounds us and balances the whole body’s energy. While imaging red I also was told to repeat my intentions into the universe. For example instead of just saying, “this week I will be grounded” you would think “this week I will be grounded by taking time for myself before others.” In my most recent session, I was called to work on my Third Eye Chakra to work with the energy of Pisces Season and tap into my intuition.

While lying on the heated Biomat, you also listen to calming binaural beats. My body felt extremely relaxed and at peace.


After the session, I went into the Himalayan salt room post drowsy state to come back to a conscious, relaxed state. The benefits of halotherapy or salt therapy help with allergies, sinus infections, headaches, enhancing the immune system, eczema, psoriasis, acne, and more. I felt more grounded and connected to my energy and the rest of the day flowed with ease. Whether you’re looking to balance your chakras or simply find stillness in the midst of the energy of NYC, check out this healing space.


My Spiritual Journey: How I Got To Where I Am Today