Spring Into A New Season With Intention

Welcome to a new season and to Q2 of 2022! We also happen to be in an Astrological New Year, with the start of Aries Season, the first zodiac of the year. Spring is a beautiful time for rebirth and realigning our energy to this new season. It’s about rebirthing ourselves and taking daily aligned action to co-create our manifestations with the universe. Personally, I had a lot of issues with my technology last month. My laptop and AirPods both stopped working randomly and I had to buy new ones. With the Aries energy, we have more confidence, creativity, and motivation to make our soul desires happen. This sign represents the fire element, so while we can burn our light brighter, it’s important not to burn both ends of the candles either.

In Chinese Medicine, Spring represents Yang energy (creativity, light, heat) and it’s very masculine. This does not mean gender, it’s simply the energy of how we show up. While winter represents Yin energy (dark, inward, slow, feminine). With this new season, we may feel a sudden burst of energy and inspiration to make our dreams from winter into a reality. It’s also Earth Month, so it’s a beautiful time to see the interconnections of ourselves with the planet and others.

Here are some tips for working with this energy and clearing out what is no longer serving us from Winter.

Cleanse your space

Our space is so important to our well-being. It holds energy and can keep us feeling stuck if we don’t clear it out, especially with a new season. There are a few ways you can call in clean energy and release stagnant energy from your space.

Go through your closet and clean out your wardrobe

  • Take a look at what you wear, does it still feel aligned with the version you want to step into? Is it aligned with your values? From there, the best thing is to donate it so it does not end up in a landfill. April is Earth Month and it’s a great reminder that we are all interconnected with our planet. Fashion is the second largest pollutant in the world. This is why buying second-hand and organic/better fabrics is always the best route. Our building is LEED-certified, which was a large contributor to moving there. This means it has a more sustainable practice with recycling, clothing donation bins, and efficient energy through water and electricity. I donate my clothes here monthly as a way to give back and also create space in my closet. If you don’t have space in your environment, then you cannot call in new things. I also sell my items on Poshmark, or I send them to Thred Up. You can also check out YesAnd’s new YesAnd Repeat marketplace where you can buy and sell pre-loved clothes.

  • Pack your winter clothes and put them into storage or store them in a suitcase and swap your spring clothes. This helps create space and organization when you go to get dressed.

Clean out your products

  • Take inventory of your cleaning and home products. Are they expired? If they are empty, can you replace them with cleaner options? We already know that toxic products can cause harm and stress to our bodies. But they also harm the environment too. Plant-based products are better for you and the planet. Some of my places to buy from are Grove Collaborative, and Public Goods.

  • Read my blog post about Spring cleaning your beauty routine with more natural, greener options. This guide has a whole list of ingredients to avoid and some of my favorite brands I am loving lately.

Smudge yourself/your space

  • Smudging is a beautiful and sacred ceremonial ritual for cleansing your energy, aura, and space. Native Americans use cleansing tools like Sage and Palo Santo to remove negative energy and offer protection, which is why it should always be practiced mindfully and with intention/integrity. I source my Sage and Palo Santo from Energy Muse. When using Sage, make sure to open all windows in your space and ask for the negative energy to be removed. Use Palo Santo to bring new, healing energy into the space.

Cleanse your energy

Set spiritual boundaries

  • It is poor spiritual hygiene to give your energy to everyone. Our energy is currency, and our time is more valuable than money. Make sure you are doing things and using your energy in a way that feels most aligned to you. Sometimes, that means letting go of people or opportunities in your life. It’s about honoring what is not a hell yes, because if it’s not a hell yes, it’s a hell no. Check-in with your energy daily and be honest with yourself, are your days spent doing what feels like your purpose or in alignment with your truth?

Detox your social media / digital space

  • How is your energy feeling lately on your platforms? Are you following people that you vibe with are you feeling triggered when you enter your social media? There are two ways to go about this - 1. See people that you follow and envy as a mirror for you, they are showing you what you need to work on yourself. And they are also showing you what is possible for you, this has shifted my personal mindset when I feel triggered. It allows me to go and do the work deeper than just scoffing them off. 2. If you aren’t ready to deal with this, it’s probably best to mute or unfollow people who are triggering you. But remember to keep coming back to why this is triggering you and how you can work on healing this.

  • Creating digital boundaries is also super important. I absolutely love the focus setting on my phone. As soon as my alarm goes off in the AM it automatically goes to “mindfulness mode.” I don’t scroll or check in with anyone until I have checked in with myself first. This has been a game-changer for my morning routine. Throughout the day, I keep it on DND or work mode so I am not bothered with notifications and at night I disconnect 30 minutes before bed and keep it on Sleep mode.

  • It’s also a great time to do a digital detox of apps, subscriptions, and emails that you no longer need. I love the app Truebill because it tells me all of my subscriptions and shows me where my money is going each month. I can also cancel any of these charges through the app.

Realign your energy

  • Reground yourself and connect with your body/nature by working with the Root Chakra. This is our foundation and it’s what allows us to feel safe, grounded, and calm. Our Root Chakra is the first chakra in the body, so it’s important to start here to help keep all of our other chakras in balance and harmony. If our basic needs are not being met or we feel financially stuck, lack abundance, etc. then our nervous system will be affected, and much harder to find steady alignment. I constantly work with my Root Chakra daily to reground myself.


  1. Get grounded and become present by taking deep breaths

  2. Visualize the color red at your spine, bringing healing and nurturing. Begin to visualize all of the worries and energy you are holding in your body.

  3. Visualize a vacuum at your feet sucking away these energies. I love listening to healing Hz while I do this practice and connect with my root.

    Mantra: RAM - Repeat as you breathe in and out.

    Affirmations: “I am safe,” and " I am grounded in the here & now."

    - Speak them out loud, write down these I Am statements down, and keep them somewhere you can see them daily. Another great chakra to work with during Aries season is our Solar Plexus as this is ruled by fire and is all about willpower and making things happen.

    Need more support? Book a 1:1 energy clearing session with me where I use the power of reiki to move any stuck energy and realign your chakras.


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