Spiritual Offers

Find your guide within.

Welcome beautiful soul! I am so glad you made it here and it means the world to me to be guiding you into a more soulfully aligned way of life.

We all have the answers and the guide within us. My offers work to unlock the power of the chakras and tap into the power that already exists. I’m here to remind you that you can live your most aligned life and be your own guide.

Alignment to me is not about perfection, it’s about re-direction.

It’s about choosing a path that feels authentic to you right now. It’s about becoming aware of your beliefs and noticing what doesn’t feel like a hell yes. It’s about learning to work with your energy and co-create with the universe. It’s about listening to your intuition and living your most authentic life.

Virtual Reiki Healing

1:1 Soul Alignment Sessions

Energy alignment sessions using the power of reiki and chakra healing. These sessions will be a space for you to align your energy, unblock and balance yourself, and find tools to help you tap more into your power and guide within. Choose from a curated guided meditation or virtual session, and learn tools for your spiritual practice so you can live in more alignment.

Guided Meditations

Custom Meditation Packages

Reiki-infused recorded meditations based on your specific needs. These guided journeys will help to enhance your meditation practice and allow you to focus on your intention.

Gift someone healing


Energy Alignment + Guided meditation

In-person events and workshops locally in NYC. Sign up for my newsletter to be in the know about upcoming dates.

Also available for corporate and brand retreats and workshops.

Online Courses

Soul Girl Series

Quarterly courses that help you align with the season and with your own energy so that you can understand each of your energy centers, elevate your spirituality, and build a grounded practice.