How to Create Your Most Aligned Year & Life  

Alignment is simply a remembering or an awareness of what you already know and possess within you. Alignment is your birthright and what you are born to live in. Through your upbringing and the limiting beliefs you pick up, you may veer off the path of living your truth. You can come back into alignment at any time. Every day is a chance to start over and get back on the path. 

I always preface by saying it is not perfection but simply direction or re-direction. It’s not about striving to be perfectly aligned and be in full enlightenment, we are humans after all and we all have egos. It’s about working with the ego to heal it so that you can free yourself of your own limiting beliefs that are not really yours. You may go down one path that you thought you were “supposed to” in order to please others or you may be holding yourself back from something you truly deep down desire because of the beliefs that were ingrained in your subconscious mind. Whatever you may be struggling with can be changed and you hold the power to change it. You are the healer, guide, guru, and co-creator of your life, it simply comes back to awareness, which is the first step of alignment. In order to make a change you must be aware of what is not working and what you want to release in order to create space. As a society, we over-complicate this. We give our power to things outside of our control, seek validation from others, and forget to listen to our intuition and our inner magic.

The truth is, you are manifesting at all times no matter if you are consciously aware of it or not. Something that I learned through TBM work from Lacy Philips is that you are not manifesting from your conscious thoughts, you are manifesting from your subconscious beliefs. In order to change and call in what you want, you must do the work to reprogram the beliefs holding you back from your full worth. So you can put away the fear of your negative thoughts stopping your manifestations and spiritual bypassing your way through getting what you want.

Here are some ways you can tap into your subconscious:

  • Journaling or writing allows us to get into a hypnotic state. That’s why free writing is so powerful. Have you ever just started dumping all of your thoughts onto paper not even knowing where they came from? That’s your subconscious thoughts in written form.

  • EFT - or Emotional Freedom Tapping is a technique used on various meridian points to help reveal issues from the subconscious mind and bring them to the service. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system to gain clarity and reduce stress.

  • Reiki healing -aka “life force”, a Japanese healing modality that helps remove blocks, heals and aligns energy in the physical body through the hands. Reiki healers can work with you to heal your subconscious mind and align your energy.

  • Hypnosis work such as TBM or any subconscious meditation

So what does alignment have to do with this? When we start living in alignment, we begin manifesting what we desire that is authentic to our truth, not our ego. Often times we are manifesting the wrong things or things we think we may want based on our programming, society, and what we feel we are worthy of. Getting into alignment with our truth, allows us to call in what we want from a soul place. So how do you get into alignment? It’s actually pretty simple…

Alignment is an awareness of what your soul desires. It’s tapping into your inner knowing and intuition — your magic. It’s becoming an observer of what feels like a yes and what feels like a hell no. This takes time and doesn’t happen overnight, many factors outside of your control will take you off the path. Through consistency and showing up for yourself and your energy, you can create a life you love.

Here are some ways to get into alignment:

Daily meditation — start small and build, even if it’s just 2 minutes. Meditation allows us to be present and to honor our emotions, aka energy in motion. It’s a chance to truly listen to what we are feeling, which is our biggest tool for change. Coming back to your breath and your energy daily is a chance to start again and release what isn’t aligned.

Energy healing - a powerful way to align your energy by releasing and clearing. Focusing on the chakra system, aka our energy centers is a great place to begin. Get familiar with each center and become your own guide. Work with these centers by listening to frequencies and using affirmations for balancing the energy. Get regular energy-clearing sessions like you would a massage or facial. Our centers hold unwanted and dense energy that we don’t need to carry.

Trusting yourself - this comes back to meditation but it’s really just about building your trust muscle. Starting to listen to your intuition and what it is telling you, showing the universe that you are ready to elevate your life. The more you begin to discern between fear and intuition, the more you can shift into a life that feels aligned. This takes time to build but your muscle gets stronger with practice, just like you physically would from working out consistently. Taking inventory of what doesn’t feel good in your body and soul will help you get clear about what you actually do want.

Communicating with the universe - whatever you believe in, whether it be the source, God, the universe, your higher self, etc; it’s about listening to what message it’s telling you. There are signs everywhere if you start to look for them and ask. This could be an angel number, a rainbow, or simply a song. Start paying attention to what signs you are seeing and trust that the universe is working for you.

My prediction for 2023 is that more people are going to take control of their lives through this work. I envision people understanding more about their energetic makeup and beliefs through self-discovery tools and putting alignment at the forefront of their life.


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