How Self-love Helps You Manifest

Self-love is necessary for showing up and living a more aligned life. It can look different for everyone. Self-care is not just taking baths or doing a face mask. Sometimes it's doing things you don't want to do to protect your peace. It's keeping a boundary even if it upsets someone; it's working on your self-worth, and removing limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. Whatever self-love is for you, know that you are worthy of it just as you are. 

Here are some of my favorite rituals for cultivating more self-love:

  • A daily check-in with yourself is a simple way to check- in with your soul and your energy, how you feel, and listen to what your body + mind need. This ritual could be simple as you need more rest and not push it. It could be not checking your phone for the first few moments upon waking up and instead checking in with your heart. If you can't think about anything specific, start free writing and allow the words to flow on paper. You can also utilize journal prompts to tap into what you may need, whether setting boundaries with someone or simply releasing something not serving you.

  • Tap into your heart chakra — this is one of the most powerful ways to connect with your love for yourself and others. Our heart space allows us to feel love and gratitude. We can feel and call in more love when we work on unblocking this chakra. You can do this by listening to heart chakra frequencies while you are getting ready in the morning or even before a date, listening to guided meditations focused on self-love and kindness, or getting a reiki session to help you unblock.

  • Inner child healing — is one of the most important rituals of them all. The beliefs we have about ourselves and our self-worth come from our childhood. It's from the stories we were told, how we were treated, and how we were loved. Since everyone has a different upbringing, we all need to take this healing into our own hands and honor where we are. You can tap into your inner child in many ways, such as visualizing her in your meditation, tapping into her energy and giving her what she needed, and playing with and doing things she loved. This can be very intense work and often takes time and trust; a lot might come up. I suggest looking into TBM if you are interested in diving deep into this work and reprogramming your belief.

Self-love is the highest frequency that attracts all of your desires

If you're looking to manifest anything from a partner to money, it all starts with self-worth, which comes from loving yourself.

It's knowing you are worthy regardless of your flaws or imperfections; it's aligning with what your heart wants and what you truly desire. And most important, it's saying no to anything that makes you settle.

Using mantras is vital in helping elevate your self-worth and your love. Even if your conscious mind doesn't believe them at first, with repetition and reprogramming your subconscious, you will start to feel it and know it's true. Tapping into the frequency of self-love allows you to attract more. It will enable you to show others how to love you and what you deserve. It creates a ripple effect allowing others to feel love as well.

Here are some of my favorite tools for self-love:

Crystals: I love working with their energy to enhance my vibe. They are magical and hold so much power when activated with an intention. My favorite go-to crystal for cultivating more self-love is rose quartz. It has a beautiful energy to help you feel love for yourself and welcome more love. When I need extra self-love, I wear this in my bra, so it's close to my heart. You can charge this crystal to whatever you need it for, making it unique to you. Another crystal I love, especially for inner child healing, is rhodochrosite. many excellent products use rose quartz, such as my favorite Eye Mask from WTHN. Not only does it help to depuff your eyes and relieve tension, but it also helps you to give yourself more love and compassion.

- Self-discovery tools: The best way to love yourself is by getting to know yourself. Self-discovery is so essential for your growth and evolution. Sitting with yourself and meditating allows you to connect with your soul. I love elevation my practice with affirmation and meditation cards to embody the energy I want to feel that day. This Inner Compass meditation deck allows you to transcend past your limits and fully embrace love. I also love using affirmation cards such as these Shower Affirmation Cards and these Mindful Affirmations Postcards.

Self-care practices: I love taking little moments of stillness, especially during a bath. You can elevate your experience by adding rose bath salts and candles and smudging the space. Another way I practice self-care is by taking care of my skin. I love to use a wooden tool to help detox my skin and promote lymphatic drainage, and to replenish my skin with body oils. I love incorporating non-toxic nail care and treating myself at home to a manicure.

However, self-love looks for you; honor it and your needs. Know that you are worthy of love as you are, and you deserve to live your most authentic life. You are worthy of releasing anything that stands in the way of being in alignment with your truth. You are worthy of protecting your peace and your energy. You are worthy of your desires as you are.


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