Soul Girl Summer Is The New Hot Girl Summer

My version of hot girl summer is being so authentically aligned with my purpose that I embody magnetic, higher-self energy. It’s about honoring your inner child-like joy, finding pleasure, and honoring what lights your soul on fire.

Check out my interview with In Common for what this season of life means energetically and how to cultivate your soul girl summer.

The summer solstice (june 21st) is the welcoming of the summer season. It is the longest day of the year. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is ruled by Yang energy (light/fire energy). Astrologically, it’s also the beginning of Cancer season, which is a water sign associated with our home and inward energy. 

How does it affect our mood/energy?

We are all affected by the seasons and our bodies work best by harmonizing with the natural cycles. Since this yang energy is very fiery, hot, and active, you will feel more energetic, social, and playful. You also may feel more heated and get angry easily. You will also be filled with more laughter and abundance. 

What practices do you recommend for staying grounded/spending the day? (meditation, etc)

It’s ideal to practice balance with the season and find stillness. Taking time for self-care and soul-care is very important to our overall well-being. Ground your feet in nature. Eat locally in-season foods (found here), and drink warm water (not ice cold) and fruits to help cool your body. Take time for yourself and your routines. Find a balance between your inward energy and your outward energy. Lean into your Solar Plexus Chakra, your power center located in the core of your body. You can practice solar plexus meditations, use affirmations, get reiki, and ignite your inner fire. 

What does mindfulness mean to you, and how to do you practice it in your life?

To me, mindfulness is becoming grounded in the present moment. It’s about listening to what my body, mind, and soul need every day and embracing fluidity and flow. In the summer, I love to wake up with the sun and meditate, go on walks daily, heal with the ocean, make time for creativity and fun, go to local farmer's markets, and take on each day with a child-like sense of joy.  


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