Saturn Return + Solar Return Lessons

As I’m about to enter my Solar Return (on 9.9) and a new decade, I am reflecting back on not only this past year but also the last 2+ years during my Saturn Return. For those who may know what a Saturn Return is, you can think of it as a cosmic rite of passage that happens around ages 28/29-30. It’s based on your birth chart and it happens when Saturn makes its 30-year return back to the sign it was in when you were born. Most people in the same age range have the same period but it affects everyone differently based on many factors. One thing to notice is what house Saturn is in on your chart. You can look up your Saturn Return here for free. Saturn went into Aquarius in March 2020 and will be in that sign until March 2023.

During this time there can be many tests and lessons that happen. These experiences are happening for you and your growth. It almost pushes you out of your confined box and comfort zone into new uncharted territory. Based on which house it is in for you and your birth chart, your lesson will be unique to you. This is a time to really focus on what you want by learning what you don’t want. Your 20s are truly a time for experimenting and finding what is aligned for you before entering a new decade. This time is a testament to your relationships, career path, and overall commitments. For me, my Saturn is in my 7th house, which is all about relationships, marriage, and finances. It’s about building partnerships and looking at your view on commitments and the balance between relationships. This theme is very fitting for me considering I got married during this time, after being together for 11 years.

Over the last 2+ years, a lot has happened in my life and it’s brought me onto the path I am on now. It happened to also be during the pandemic, which changed my life in many ways. Pre 2020, I was working many different consulting jobs and feeling burnt out. Between client work and running around the city to events, I didn’t ever slow down. It wasn’t until I was handed a forced pause that allowed me to focus on what I wanted to be doing. I audited and release clients and work that was no longer lighting me up or aligned with my values. I started leaning into new offerings as a conscious content creator and spiritual leader. I started leading women through courses and soulful strategizing. It felt like this was part of my purpose and mission and it catapulted me onto a new journey. My advice to anyone going through their return is to look deep into what it means uniquely for them. It’s not about trying to control the outcome, but rather, being prepared. Knowing that life is happening for you, not to you.

As I enter a new decade, I am feeling grateful for where I am now and all of the blessings and lessons. I believe I am stepping into my most aligned and authentic life, being of service, while also leaning into what’s true to me. My twenties and specifically the last few years were a time of learning and embodying the work. While this next era is about integrating these lessons into my daily life and helping others on their path. Life will always be full of challenges, and I have come to realize the challenges don’t go away, you just get stronger. Here are some takeaways that I have learned and am bringing with me into this new decade.

  1. Your worth is part of you and not part of external factors or people.

  2. Your energy is your power, the more you work on conserving it, the more powerful you become.

  3. Self-awareness is the key to your growth and living in alignment with your truth.

  4. You don’t have to wait for things to be perfect to begin, start before you are ready.

  5. There are no mistakes. You grow through what you go through.

  6. Your timeline doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s. Your journey is unique to you and the more you lean into the more you live authentically.

  7. People are going to talk about you and judge you no matter what you do. Live your life without fear of others.

  8. You are worthy of all your desires and have the ability to change your beliefs to create the life you want.

  9. It’s better to try and fail than never begin. Stop allowing perfectionism to hinder you from just starting.

  10. What is meant for you will not pass you by. Even if it hasn’t arrived yet, trust that it’s coming in divine timing - or something better.

  11. Your habits are what create your life. The little things make a big impact and create long-lasting change.

  12. Own up to your mistakes and take accountability for your actions. Stop making excuses and being defensive.

  13. Be kind to people, you never know what someone is going through.

  14. You are merely here on borrowed time, make the most of every day.

  15. What you appreciate appreciates. Find gratitude and abundance for what you have and you will create more of it.

  16. Connect with your younger self and tap into play and joy. Continue to love yourself the way your inner child needed.

  17. On the other side of fear is radical alignment. The more you step into what scares you, the more magnetism you create.

  18. Money is energy and what goes out comes back in.

  19. The universe is your school. It’s here to teach you different lessons and your job is to keep learning.

  20. Your intuition is quiet and fear is loud. You have to get quiet in order to listen to your inner voice.

  21. You get to do things, you don’t have to do anything. The more you lean into this energy, the more you can create from a place of joy.

  22. Shift from a victim mentality to a creator mentality. You can change your circumstances and create the life you dream about.

  23. The more you surrender, the more magic you bring into your life.

  24. If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a hell no.

  25. Happiness is part of you. It’s not something you need to search for outside of yourself.

  26. Everyone is a spiritual being. It’s about recognizing that you have a purpose and are here right now for a reason.

  27. Embrace all of your imperfections, you are enough as you are.

  28. Vulnerability does not mean you have to share everything. You are allowed to be vulnerable and discerning.

  29. You have two options - stay stagnant or change. Both are uncomfortable, but you get to choose.

  30. The connection you seek in others is often what you are seeking in yourself. Be your own love.


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